Steele EJ, Gorczynski RM, Lindley RA, Wickramasinghe NC. (2023) Natural Antibodies and SARS CoV-2 Specific Antibodies in Healthy Asymptomatic Individuals. Clinical Infectious Diseases. Correspondence CID 1.
Gorczynski RM, Steele EJ, Wickramasinghe NC, Lindley RA. (2022) Unconvincing Evidence for Concepts Driving Development of SARS-Cov2 Vaccines. Advances in Vaccines & Vaccination Research 3(2): 120-126.
Gorczynski RM, Wickramasinghe NC, Lindley RA, Steele EJ. (2022) Time for fresh constructive scientific debate on the origin of, immune response to, and optimal vaccination strategy for, infection with SARS-CoV-2. J. Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 6(3): 42.
Clin Immunol Infect Dis Vol.6 No. 3: 42.
Gorczynski RM, Steele EJ, Wickramasinghe NC, and Lindley RA. (2022) Lack of validity in concepts driving development of SARS-CoV2 vaccines. Poster accepted 30 May 2022, Vaccine Congress 2022. International Conference on Vaccine Research, July 11-12 2022, London UK.
Gorczynski RM, Lindley RA, Steele EJ, Wickramasinghe C. (2021) Nature of acquired immune responses, epitope specificity and resultant protection from SARS-CoV-2. J. Pers. Med., 11, 1253. DOI: 10.3390/jpm11121253
Lindley RA, Steele EJ. (2021) Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Haplotypes and Genomic Sequences during 2020 in Victoria, Australia in the Context of Putative Deficits in Innate Immune Deaminase Anti-Viral Responses. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 2021:00:e13100. DOI:10.1111/sji.13100
Steele EJ, Gorczynski RM, Lindley RA, Tokoro G, Wallis DH, Temple R, and Wickramasinghe C. (2021) An End of COVID-19 Pandemic in Sight? Infectious Diseases and Therapeutics Volume 2(2): 1-5.
Mamrot J, Hall E, Lindley RA. (2021) Identification and validation model to identify cancer progression signatures in multiple cancers. Oncotarget, 12(8).
Lindley RA., Steele EJ. (2020) Presumptive Evidence for ADAR1 A-to-I Deamination at WA-sites as the Mutagenic Genomic Driver in Hepatocellular and Related ADAR1-Hi Cancers. Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis, 11(14).
Steele EJ., Lindley RA, (2020) Analysis of APOBEC and ADAR deaminase-driven Riboswitch Haplotypes in COVID-19 RNA strain variants and the implications for vaccine design. In press at Research Reports. link:
Lindley RA, (2020) A Review of the mutational role of deaminases and the generation of a cognate molecular model to explain cancer mutation spectra. Medical Research Archives, 8(8).
Lindley RA, (2020) The mutagenic source and power of our own evolution. Invited chapter in “Cosmic Genetic Evolution” Eds EJ Steele and NC Wickramasinghe. In press at Advances in Genetics, 106.
Hall NE, Mamrot J, Steele EJ, Frampton C, Read P, Bischoff R, Lindley RA, (2020) Blood and saliva-derived exomes from healthy Caucasian subjects do not display overt evidence of somatic mosaicism. Mutation Research. 821: 111705.
Steele EJ, Gorczyski RM, Lindley RA, Liu Y, Temple R, Tokoro G, Wickramasinghe DT, Wickramasinghe NC. (2020) The efficient Lamarckian spread of life in the cosmos. Advances in Genetics. 106, 21-43 (Academic Press-Elsevier) ISSN 0065-2660
Steele, EJ, Jiangwen Q, Lindley RA, Gorczynski RM, Tokoro G, Robert Temple R, Wickramasinghe NC, (2020) Origin of New Emergent Coronavirus and Candida Fungal Diseases – Terrestrial or Cosmic? Invited chapter in “Cosmic Genetic Evolution” Eds EJ Steele and NC Wickramasinghe. In press at Advances in Genetics, 106.
Franklin A, Steele EJ, Lindley RA, (2020) A proposed reverse transcription mechanism for (CAG)n and similar expandable repeats that cause neurological and other diseases. Heliyon. 6(2): e03258.
Steele EJ., and Lindley RA, (2020) Regulatory T cells and co-evolution of allele-specific MHC recognition by the TCR. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 91: e12853.
Mamrot J, Balachandran S, Steele EJ, Lindley RA, (2019) Molecular model linking Th2 polarized M2 tumour-associated macrophages with deaminase-mediated cancer progression mutation signatures. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 89(5): e12760.
Lindley RA and Steele EJ, (2019) Deaminases and Why Mice Sometimes Lie in Immuno-Oncology Pre-Clinical Trials. Annals of Clinical Oncology, 2(1): pp2-5.
Steele E, Gorczynski R, Lindley RA, Liu Y, Temple R, Tokoro G, Wickramasinghe D, Wickramasingh C. (2019) Lamarck and Panspermia: Environmentally-Induced Rapid Directional Genetic Adaptation and the Effective Spread of Living Systems Throughout the Cosmos. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 149: pp10-32.
Lindley RA, (2018) A New Treaty Between Disease and Evolution: Are deaminases the “universal mutators” responsible for our own evolution? Edge Science, 36(1): pp16-20. ISSN 2330-4553.
Lindley RA and Steele EJ, (2018) ADAR and APOBEC editing signatures in viral RNA during acute-phase Innate Immune responses of the host-parasite relationship to Flaviviruses. Research Reports, 2(1): e1-e22.
Lindley RA and Hall NE, (2018) APOBEC and ADAR deaminases may cause many single nucleotide polymorphisms curated in the OMIM database. Mutation Research, 810(1): pp33-38.
Steele EJ, Lindley RA, (2018) Germline V repertoires: Origin, maintenance, diversification. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 87(6): e12670.
Steele EJ and Lindley RA, (2017) Origin of High Affinity Germline V Elements? Comment on Sterner, E., et al. Cell Reports, 20(1): pp1681-1691.
Steele EJ and Lindley RA, (2017) ADAR deaminase A-to-I editing of DNA and RNA moieties of RNA:DNA hybrids has implications for the mechanism of Ig somatic hypermutation. DNA Repair, 55(1): pp1-6.
Lindley RA, Humbert P, Larner C, Akmeemana EH, Pendlebury CR, (2016) Association between targeted somatic mutation (TSM) signatures and HGS-OvCa progression. Cancer Medicine, 5(9): pp2629-2640.
Lindley RA, (2013) The importance of codon context for understanding the Ig-like somatic hypermutation strand-biased patterns in TP53 mutations in breast cancer. Cancer Genetics, 206(6): pp222-6.
Lindley RA and Steele EJ, (2013) Critical analysis of strand-biased somatic mutation signatures in TP53 versus Ig genes, in genome -wide data and the etiology of cancer. International Scholarly Research Notices: Genetics, Article ID: 921418.
Steele EJ, Williamson JF, Lester S, Stewart BJ, Milman JA, Carnegie P, Lindley RA, Pain GN, Dawkins RL. (2011) Genesis of ancestral halpotypes: RNA modifications and reverse transcription-mediated polymorphisms. Human Immunology, 72(3): pp283-293. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2010.12.005.
Steele EJ, Lindley RA, Weiller GW. (2011) Somatic hypermutation and the discovery of A-to-I RNA editing sites? Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 414(2): p443.
Steele EJ, Williamson JF, Lester S, Stewart BJ, Millman JA, Carnegie P, Lindley RA, Pain GN, Dawkins RL. (2011) Genesis of ancestral haplotypes: RNA modifications and reverse transcription-mediated polymorphisms. Human Immunology, 72(3): pp283-293. DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2010.12.005.
Steele EJ, Lindley RA, (2010) Somatic mutation patterns in non-lymphoid cancers resemble the strand biased somatic hypermutation spectra of antibody genes. DNA Repair, 9(6): pp600-603.
Steele EJ, Lindley RA, Wen J, Weiller GF. (2006) Computational analyses show A-to-G mutations correlate with nascent mRNA hairpins at somatic hypermutation hotspots. DNA Repair, 5(11): pp1346-1363.
Some Background Articles for General Readership
Lindley RA, (2018) A New Treaty Between Disease and Evolution: Are deaminases the “universal mutators” responsible for our own evolution? Edge Science Magazine, 36(1): pp16-20. ISSN 2330-4553
Lindley R.A, (2016) The Hunt For the Source of Mutations in Cancer. RD Wright Lecture and Medal 19 October 2016. University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Lindley RA and Steele EJ, (2013) Critical analysis of strand-biased somatic mutation signatures in TP53 versus Ig genes, in genome -wide data and the etiology of cancer. International Scholarly Research Notices: Genetics, Article ID: 921418.
Lindley R.A, (2012) Invited Interview. A Lifelong Passion for Science: Robyn Lindley’s Adventure Journey. GIT Laboratory Journal. 1-2: 12-14.
Lindley R.A, (2011) Born to Evolve: How Mutational and Epigenetic Changes Enable Adaptive Evolution. Invited Article, GIT Laboratory Journal.
3-4: 2-4.
Lindley R.A, (2011) How Evolution Occurs: Was Lamarck Also Right? Invited Article. Edge Science Magazine 8: 6-9. Copy available on request.
Books for General Readership
Lindley R.A, (2010) The Soma: How our genes really work and why that changes everything. CYO Foundation. ISBN 1451525648, Available on Books
Steele E.J, Lindley R.A, and Blanden R.V, (1998) Lamarck’s Signature: How Retrogenes are Changing Darwin’s Natural Selection Paradigm. Allen & Unwin (Australia and Europe), Perseus Books (North America). Science Editor: Paul Davies. Available on Books