Inventor and Developer of the TSM Platform.
BSc, MInfoTech, PhD
Dr Robyn A. Lindley is a Founder, Director and the Chief Scientific Officer of GMDx Genomics, Melbourne. She is also an Honorary Senior Fellow in the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne.
Although her first degrees are in physics and informatics, Robyn is an immunogeneticist who has been publishing on the relationships between inflammation, disease progression and somatic mutation signatures. Robyn is the sole discoverer of the specific codon-contexted targeted somatic mutation (TSM) signatures of nucleotide-specific deaminase enzymes that are now heavily implicated in many cancers. She was also the first to show that some of these changes can be used to predict cancer progression. She was the recipient of the RD Wright medal in 2016, University of Melbourne, for 'marching to the beat of her own drum'. Robyn's foundation research is now being used to develop new genetic tests to predict patient response to
immuno-oncology drugs and cancer progression for use in the North American market.